Hyderabad: On Monday, Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy laid the foundation stone for the Young India Police School in Manchirevula village, located in Rangareddy district. The government plans to build similar schools in every constituency to promote an inclusive vision for education.
The event was held on Police Commemoration Day, which made it a meaningful occasion for the police force and their families. The Young India Police School will not only focus on academics but also on sports and extracurricular activities. The goal is to support both the mental and physical development of students. The Chief Minister has instructed officials to prioritize sports in the school, recognizing its importance in overall growth.
Several dignitaries accompanied the Chief Minister at the event. These included Minister D Sridhar Babu, MP Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari, and Director General of Police Dr Jitender. Other important figures such as Hyderabad City Police Commissioner CV Anand and CID DGP Shikha Goel were also present.
Speaking at the event, Minister Sridhar Babu highlighted the government’s commitment to the welfare of police officers. He emphasized that police personnel often work tirelessly without days off. The establishment of the Young India Police School is part of the government’s effort to provide high-quality education for the children of police officers, ensuring they can reach international standards.
In addition to supporting police welfare, the government has also set up the Young India Skill University, the first of its kind in the state. This institution is designed to equip young people with skills relevant to various industries, creating job opportunities across sectors, regardless of caste or religion. The government is also planning to establish Young India Schools in every constituency as part of this inclusive initiative.
In a related achievement, the government successfully conducted the Group 1 Mains exams for the first time since the formation of Telangana. With the approval of the Supreme Court and peaceful completion of the exams, the government has laid out a ten-month plan to create more job opportunities for the unemployed, reflecting its commitment to building a prosperous future.
MP Vishweshwar Reddy congratulated the police on the foundation stone-laying for the Young India Police School. On the same day, the State government issued a notification officially establishing the school for the children of serving police personnel, police martyrs, and other uniformed service departments in Telangana.