The new Chief Minister of Hyderabad, A Revanth Reddy, announced that all barricades at Pragati Bhavan have been removed and it will now be called Jyothi Rao Phule Praja Bhavan. This was the camp office of the former chief minister, where public access was limited. The announcement was met with a positive response from the crowd at L B Stadium.
Revanth stated that removing the barricades symbolizes freedom from the previous dictatorial rule in Telangana. He emphasized that his government will fulfill all Six Guarantees and work towards the aspirations of the people, including farmers, students, unemployed youth, activists, and families of the martyrs.
For the past 10 years, democracy has been undermined in Telangana and human rights have been violated. Revanth thanked the people for electing the Praja Telangana Government and recognized the efforts of Congress activists who stood by the party during difficult times.
The Chief Minister assured that his government’s priority will be safeguarding people’s rights, maintaining peace and security, and promoting comprehensive development. Special emphasis will be placed on the welfare of the poor and marginalized sections of society.
Revanth acknowledged that Telangana state became a reality due to the determination of AICC leader Sonia Gandhi. He emphasized the government’s responsibility to restore democracy, ensure social justice, and promote development in all regions of the state.
The Chief Minister promised that his Cabinet will serve as servants rather than rulers. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work towards the development of the state and vowed to meet the expectations of the four crore people.