Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has urged the central government to provide immediate help to the flood-affected areas in the state. He recently met with Union Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan to discuss the damage caused by heavy rains and floods in Telangana.
CM Reddy shared that initial assessments estimate the losses at ₹5,438 crore. He also warned that this amount could increase as more information comes in about the damage. The meeting took place at the Secretariat, and key state officials like Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and ministers Thummala Nageshwar Rao and Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy were also present.
The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of fair distribution of central relief funds to Telangana, similar to the support given to neighboring Andhra Pradesh. He mentioned that although the state government acted quickly to reduce the loss of life, the damage to property and infrastructure was still significant.
CM Reddy provided details about the affected villages through a presentation and highlighted the ongoing struggles of the flood victims. To help those in need, the state has already started giving ₹10,000 to each affected family.
In addition, CM Reddy requested the central government to relax the guidelines for using disaster relief funds. He asked that Telangana be allowed to use resources from the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) for permanent restoration work, even if the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) has not been fully used up, which is currently required by existing rules.