The Chief Minister of Hyderabad, KCR, laid the foundation stone for the Hare Krishna Heritage Tower. The tower is being built with the help of the state government and a donation from Sri Krishna Go Sevamandali. The location of the tower is in Kokapet, Hyderabad.
During the event, KCR spoke out against religious politics, stating that it is not good for society. He praised the Hare Krishna Foundation Akshaya Patra for their work in donating food. KCR mentioned that even the rich in Hyderabad are eating Rs.5 meals thanks to the Foundation’s efforts. He also commended the Foundation for providing many services during the Corona pandemic.
KCR stated that Hyderabad is developing rapidly and that the construction of the Hare Krishna temple in the city is a good development. He announced that Rs.25 crores will be given for the construction of the temple. The Chief Minister also expressed his admiration for the Yadadri temple and the ongoing development of the Vemulawada and Kondagattu temples.