Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao wished the Muslim community a happy Ramadan and announced that his government has spent nearly Rs 13,000 crore on their welfare and development over the last nine years. He said he hopes that the state will prosper with the blessings of Allah and that people will live happily together with God’s blessings.
KCR also emphasized that Telangana embodies the culture of ‘Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb’ and the state government is committed to preserving religious harmony. He stated that the government has supported the Muslim community in areas such as education and employment, and many initiatives have been implemented to bring about positive change.
Under the Shaadi Mubarak scheme, the government has spent Rs 2,130.92 crore between 2014-15 and 2022-23. Additionally, 204 Minority Residential Schools were established and upgraded to Minorities Residential Colleges, benefiting 1,30,560 students. The CM Overseas Scholarship scheme provides scholarships of Rs. 20 lakhs and a one-way airfare of Rs. 60,000 to students pursuing postgraduate and doctoral courses in foreign universities.