The Chief Minister of Hyderabad, K Chandrashekar Rao, paid tribute to Dr BR Ambedkar on his 132nd birth anniversary. Ambedkar was the person who made the Indian Constitution. KCR said that despite facing discrimination in the name of color and caste and the social evil of untouchability from his childhood, Ambedkar was brave and noble. The Telangana society was paying tribute to Ambedkar by installing a 125-foot statue of him in the heart of Hyderabad. This was a matter of pride for Telangana and the entire country.
KCR said that Ambedkar incorporated Article 3 in the Constitution which helped in the formation of the State. The State Secretariat building was named after Dr B.R. Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat, which was a continuation of the aspirations of the great leader. He also mentioned that the government introduced the ‘Telangana Dalit Bandhu’ scheme. This scheme aimed to bring a qualitative change in the lives of Dalits and was a revolutionary step in the country’s history. KCR said that he was happy to know about the success stories of the beneficiaries of the Dalit Bandhu scheme.