Hyderabad: Chief Minister KCR has left for Maharashtra for a two-day tour. As part of the tour, he will be visiting various places in Hyderabad, starting from Pragathi Bhavan and traveling through the road in two separate buses with 600 cars in a convoy. CM KCR is accompanied by ministers, MPs, MLAs, MLCs, and other senior leaders. At 1 pm, they will reach Omarga in the Dharashiv district of Maharashtra. They will have lunch there and then proceed to Solapur by 4:30 pm. They will stay overnight in Solapur and continue their journey by bus on Tuesday morning at 8 am to Pandaripuram.
At the Vitthal Bhairavi temple in Pandaripuram, CM KCR, ministers, and MLAs will perform special prayers. After that, they will attend a program organized in Sarkoli village of Solapur district. During this meeting, Chief Whip Bhagirath Balkhe and other prominent leaders from Solapur district will join CM KCR. At 3 pm, they will visit the Tuljabhavani temple in the Dharashiv district and perform special prayers before returning to Hyderabad.
CM KCR has made elaborate arrangements for his tour to Maharashtra. Today Delhi, tomorrow Pandaripuram. During the Telangana statehood movement, KCR led a massive rally from Hyderabad to Delhi on March 27, 2003, attracting national attention. Currently, BJP is gaining popularity in Maharashtra. CM KCR’s call for an “Abki Bar Kisan Sarkar” is creating ripples in Maharashtra politics. At this time, the decision to travel to Delhi is drawing the attention of ministers, MPs, MLAs, MLCs, and other representatives who are accompanying CM KCR to Maharashtra.