Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has strongly criticized the BJP-led central government for neglecting the development of the country and dividing the people. He said that the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) bill, which aims to divide the people of India, goes against the principles of unity in diversity and the ideals that India stands for. He further stated that the BJP government is disregarding the decisions that promote national unity and is opposing the UCC bill.
According to KCR, the UCC bill is causing a divide among different regions, religions, castes, and cultural practices, eroding the unity of the Indian people. The bill is particularly affecting tribal communities, various religions, and people who follow Hinduism in different regions. He emphasized that the BJP government should not implement the UCC bill as it goes against the unity of the country and is causing unnecessary divisions.
In a meeting with All India Muslim Personal Law Board Chairman Khalid Saifullah Rehmani on Monday, CM KCR expressed his concerns about the UCC bill. The meeting was held at Pragathi Bhavan and attended by MIM President Asaduddin Owaisi, MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi, ministers Mahmood Ali, KT Rama Rao, and board members.
CM KCR stated that the BJP government’s move to implement the UCC bill is aimed at creating unnecessary problems for the people and diverting attention from real issues. He criticized the BJP for neglecting the development of the country and instead focusing on creating political turmoil by implementing divisive policies like the UCC bill.
KCR also mentioned that the UCC bill should be strongly opposed in parliamentary sessions as it is against the interests of the people. He called upon parliamentary party leaders K Keshava Rao and Nama Nageswara Rao to ensure that proper action is taken against the bill in both houses of Parliament.
In conclusion, CM KCR strongly criticized the UCC bill and urged all parties to come together to protect the cultural diversity and unity of the Indian people. He expressed his gratitude to the All India Muslim Personal Law Board for their support in opposing the bill.