Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) president YS Jagan Mohan Reddy responded to criticism about the Land Titling Act at an election campaign meeting in Payakaraopeta, Anakapalli. He accused opposition parties of spreading false information to damage his reputation, but stated that his leadership was well-regarded, even in remote areas and among the poor.
Jagan explained that the Land Titling Act aims to provide land rights to individuals. He mentioned that previous land surveys in the state were incomplete and inaccurate, dating back to British rule. This led to legal disputes and problems in property transactions due to improper measurements during subdivisions.
The Chief Minister stated that a comprehensive re-survey was initiated to address these issues, covering every village and town in the state. This involved demarcating boundaries, updating records, and registering documents to ensure rightful land ownership for all residents.
Jagan highlighted the significant scale of this effort, with 15,000 surveyors working across 15,000 Grama Secretariats to rectify past discrepancies. He emphasized that such a large-scale land survey had not been undertaken anywhere else in the country, showcasing his government’s commitment to resolving long-standing land disputes.