The new Telangana State Secretariat has been updated to Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy’s liking. The CM now enters through the North East Gate, while the East Gate used for VIPs is closed. State ministers, chief secretary, and DGP will also use the North East Gate. State secretaries and officials can enter through the South West Gate.
The CM’s North side entrance gate has been changed for security reasons. Other vehicles are no longer parked in that area. Former CM KCR used the East Gate, but now Revanth Reddy uses the North East Gate after consulting Vastu experts.
Some changes were made at the Secretariat based on the experts’ suggestions. Temporary measures were taken to prevent rainwater from entering the official chambers on all six floors. Employees have been calling for improvements in their workspace, citing issues with office rooms lacking ventilation and cubicles for officials.
Overall, the Secretariat has undergone a makeover to address various concerns and improve working conditions for employees.