Papalpreet Singh, a close associate of Waris Punjab De leader Amritpal Singh, was arrested on Monday. He was with Amritpal Singh on March 18 when the Punjab Police began a massive raid on Waris Punjab De. While evading the police dragnet, they travelled together and switched automobiles. CCTV evidence shows that they left Punjab and travelled to Haryana and Delhi before returning to Punjab.
The Punjab Police increased their vigilance throughout the province ahead of the Baisakhi celebrations and reports that Amritpal Singh was likely to turn himself in. Papalpreet Singh’s detention has brought the authorities closer to finding Amritpal Singh, who is said to be hiding in Punjab.
On Monday, Punjab Police Chief Gaurav Yadav visited the Golden Temple and declared that anyone wanted by the law will be apprehended by the police. He emphasized that it is preferable for them to submit to the law. The director general of police responded to suggestions that Amritpal may have sought refuge in religious facilities by stating that religious places should not be used for personal reasons. He said, “Religious places should not be abused.”
The arrest of Papalpreet Singh is a significant development in the ongoing search for Amritpal Singh. The Punjab Police are determined to bring him to justice and have urged him to surrender himself to the authorities. The use of religious facilities as hiding places has been condemned by law enforcement officials, who stress that everyone must obey the law.