Sri Sai Ashrith Shakhamuri from Warangal got the 40th rank in the UPSC-2022 on Tuesday. This was his first attempt at the UPSC. His parents live in Hanumakonda, but they are originally from Gunturpalli. Ashrith went to school in Warangal Public School, did his intermediate studies in Sri Chaitanya in Hyderabad, and got his B.Tech degree from BITS Pilani. He was initially guided by Siva Nageshwara Rao of Nageshwar Rao Foundation Institute in Hanumakonda, but later he joined the CSB IAS Academy in Hyderabad. Ashrith expressed gratitude towards his parents, Siva Nageshwara Rao, and Bala Latha of CSB IAS Academy for their support and guidance.
The news of Ashrith’s achievement was celebrated with joy in Gunturpalli village.