The first day of Navaratri was celebrated with great excitement and joy in Hyderabad on Thursday. People dressed in traditional clothes and gathered in large numbers to dance to the beats of garba and dandiya. The festival brought a festive spirit to many parts of the city.
From areas like Begumpet and Hi-Tec City to Attapur and Miyapur, the entire city came alive with the energy of Navaratri celebrations. People of all ages joined in the festivities, creating a vibrant atmosphere.
Rajesh C Shah, a trustee of the Gujarati Pragati Samaj, shared that they saw a huge crowd on the first day. He mentioned that they expect even more people to join over the next eight days. Shah explained that they have been organizing the festival for 83 years to preserve Gujarati traditions and teach the younger generation the importance of Navaratri. As part of the celebrations, special dishes and prasad were given to those who were fasting.
Rajesh Mehta, president of the Cyberabad Gujarati Association, said that they come up with new ideas for the festival every year. This year, garba was organized with traditional dress, keeping the old customs alive. He highlighted that participants danced around a “garbi,” a clay lantern with a diya inside, which symbolizes a womb lamp.
Another organizer from MMR Garden in Bownpally mentioned that this year’s Navaratri celebrations were planned to be especially grand. On the first day, they received a positive response and aim to give participants an extraordinary experience throughout the festival.