Justice V Krupasagar has postponed the hearing of the Andhra Pradesh CID’s petition to reopen the Amaravati assigned lands case to November 10. The petition, which names former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu and former Minister P Narayana as the main accused, was heard by the bench on Wednesday.
The CID has requested the High Court to reopen the quash petition’s hearing and consider new evidence provided by Narayana’s sister-in-law. However, Narayana’s counsel has opposed this move, arguing that new evidence should not be introduced after the closure of arguments.
The assigned land case was registered on March 12, 2021, based on a report by MLA Alla Ramakrishna Reddy. The High Court had granted a stay on the investigation on March 19, 2021, and has recently completed the hearing on the quash petition filed by the accused.
While the Criminal petition is awaiting orders, the CID officers have received new evidence in the form of an audiovisual statement from Ponguru Krishnapriya, Narayana’s sister-in-law. She has provided specific details on how Narayana, the former municipal administration minister, was involved in the illegal purchase of assigned lands.
In another case, the Andhra Pradesh High Court has directed the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to assess the impact of violations found on Rushikonda by the committee of experts. These violations include allegations of Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) violations. The court has asked the ministry to examine ongoing constructions in Rushikonda and take appropriate action. The Centre has been given three weeks to submit a report on this matter, and further hearing is scheduled for November 28, 2023.