Globalart organized the ‘Kolor champ 2023’ Art Competition in Hyderabad. The competition was held at Satya Sai Nigamagamam in Srinagar Colony. Around 450 children aged 5 to 15 years took part in the 5th Regional Competition of ‘Kolor Camp 2023’. The participants will have the opportunity to compete nationally in a nationwide competition later this year.
The theme of the contest, “My Happiest Day at School,” was announced on the spot. The children had to imagine the theme and create a painting or artistic representation in a given time frame. Dinesh Victor, the MD of SIP Academy, inaugurated the competition and spoke to the children about the importance of patience in art.
Srinivas Mashetty, the State Head of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, mentioned that the 450 participants came from 21 Global Art Training Centers located in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The program has been developed by Globalart, Malaysia and has a presence in 22 countries, training over 275,000 children since 1999.