Hyderabad: The Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy submitted memoranda to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday. He asked for help in resolving long-standing issues in the State, such as water sharing between Maharashtra and Telangana and land acquisition for the Tummidihatti lift project. The CM also requested assistance for Metro Rail expansion and Musi Riverfront development projects.
Revanth Reddy pointed out that the previous government only achieved 1600 MW power generation from the NTPC, despite a capacity of 4000 MW. He urged the PM to facilitate the remaining 2400 MW power generation, as the State government was willing to provide all necessary permissions.
The CM expressed readiness to construct the Tummidihatti lift project and urged the Prime Minister to intervene with the Maharashtra government regarding land acquisition and water sharing. He also requested Centre’s support for an elevated corridor across Amrabad forest area on Hyderabad-Srisailam national highway, with a project cost of Rs.7700 crore.
Moreover, Revanth Reddy asked for financial aid to ensure safe drinking water supply through taps to every household in the state. Nearly 10 lakh families still lack tap water. He sought funds under the Jala Jeevan Mission for providing potable drinking water to villages from local sources.
Other issues mentioned in the memoranda included requests for additional IPS cadre posts, land allocation for construction projects, release of pending Central funds for health missions, road development projects under BharatMala Pariyojana, and cooperation for establishing semiconductor industries in Telangana. The CM emphasized plans to promote the state as a significant investment destination in electronics manufacturing, seeking assistance as part of the India Semiconductors Mission.