Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has assured the Yadav community that they will receive more political representation in future elections. He stated that the number of seats allocated to the community will be increased. Additionally, he announced that the Sadar festival, which is an important part of Yadav tradition and culture, will be officially celebrated starting next year.
Speaking at the Sadar Sammelanam event at NTR Stadium, Revanth Reddy asked for the community’s full support for the Musi River project. He explained that historically, the Musi River was essential for the Yadavs and their livestock, as the animals used to graze on the lush vegetation along the river before it became polluted. The Chief Minister emphasized that reviving the Musi River is possible if the Yadav community comes together and supports the project.
He also highlighted that the Sadar festival represents the spirit of the Yadav community. The CM instructed officials to organize the festival officially in 2025, making it a state-recognized event. He said that this tradition, which connects deeply with the Yadavs, will be preserved and celebrated with pride.
The Chief Minister further emphasized the Congress party’s support for the Yadav community. He mentioned that M Anil Kumar Yadav’s promotion to the Rajya Sabha is proof of the Congress’s commitment to providing the Yadavs with proper representation in governance. Revanth Reddy also promised that the Congress party would increase the number of seats for Yadavs, from local Corporator positions to Parliament-level seats.
He expressed regret that Anjan did not win in the Assembly elections, as he would have become a minister representing the Yadavs. He encouraged the community to draw inspiration from Lord Krishna, who stood for righteousness in the battle of Kurukshetra.
The annual Sadar festival was celebrated in a grand manner, with many members of the Yadava community bringing their specially raised buffaloes to take part in the traditional competition. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy also participated in the festivities, at the request of Anil Kumar Yadav.