The Godavari river in Bhadrachalam, Telangana is overflowing due to heavy rains. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has issued orders to Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari for urgent action to be taken. The government machinery, including the police, has been alerted and people in flood-prone areas have been told to be prepared to move to safer places. Officials who have experience with previous floods will be involved in relief efforts.
Durishetti Anudeep, currently the Collector of Hyderabad, has been directed to go to Bhadrachalam and be ready for relief measures. Control rooms have been set up in various locations for rain and flood relief operations, and helicopters and NDRF troops will be available. All necessary arrangements have been made in Bhadrachalam for relief operations.
Other departments like Revenue, Panchayat Raj, Medical, Health, and Disaster Management have been instructed to be on alert and coordinate their actions. The Chief Secretary will monitor the situation regularly. The State government is prepared for any situation.