Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy warned millers and traders about buying paddy from farmers at lower prices. He told officials to crack down on those who cheat farmers and said their licenses could be cancelled. Reddy also said millers and traders who buy paddy at lower prices will be blacklisted and not allowed to do custom milling.
During a review of paddy procurement, the CM was joined by Civil Supplies Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy and Information and Public Relations Minister P Srinivas Reddy. Reddy mentioned that some traders and millers were reducing prices due to moisture content in the paddy, so he advised farmers to dry the paddy before bringing it to the markets to get a better price.
He asked officials to set up arrangements for drying paddy and install CCTVs in market yards to prevent theft. Collectors of all districts were directed to inspect markets and paddy purchase centers to ensure smooth purchases without inconveniencing farmers. Reddy also instructed officials to provide the Minimum Support Price and address any complaints from farmers promptly.
State-level officials were ordered to monitor paddy procurement daily and conduct field visits in various districts to examine the process on the ground. Reddy suggested senior IAS officers to monitor drinking water supply and paddy procurement in old districts. He also asked officials to have tarpaulins available in all market yards and paddy purchase centers in case of a hailstorm.