Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has made the decision to permanently abolish the VRA system, which includes positions like Neerati, Maskuru, and Lashkar. He considers these positions symbols of feudalism. The CM announced that VRAs will now be regularized in supernumerary posts in the revenue department. This decision is based on the recommendations of a sub-committee of ministers. The CM also mentioned that VRAs will be made permanent government employees and will be adjusted in departments such as Municipal, Mission Bhagiratha, and Irrigation.
The Chief Minister has instructed the Chief Secretary to release the orders regarding this decision on Monday. He believes that governments should provide job security as an alternative for employees working in disappearing professions. The CM praised the VRAs for their selfless service and emphasized that their profession has become less important in today’s changed situation. He assured that they will be given supernumerary posts in the revenue department and will be hired as permanent government employees.
Furthermore, the CM stated that his government takes decisions from a humane perspective for those working for the welfare of society. He acknowledged the increased salaries and welfare contributions made to working groups who serve the society without expecting anything in return.
The VRA JAC leaders expressed their gratitude to CM KCR for freeing them from socially discriminatory duties and making them permanent government employees, thereby upholding their self-respect.
The CM informed that there are 20,555 VRAs working across the state with varying educational qualifications. He mentioned that job categories will be determined based on educational qualifications, and replacements will be made accordingly in the respective departments.
In addition, the CM decided to provide government jobs to heirs of VRAs who are above the age of 61 under compassionate appointment basis. He also announced that government jobs will be given to heirs of VRAs who died after June 2, 2014, while performing VRA duties. Officials have been instructed to collect details of the deceased VRA’s heirs and their educational qualifications.