In the Chevella Lok Sabha segment, there are nearly three million voters. The Election Commission set up a total of 2,877 polling stations, including 1029 critical polling stations, 405 critical polling station locations, and 53 auxiliary polling booths.
There are a total of 29,19,465 voters in the seven constituencies of Chevella Lok Sabha segment. Four of these constituencies are in Rangareddy district – Maheshwaram, Rajendra Nagar, Serilingampally, and Chevella. The other three constituencies are in the newly formed Vikarabad district – Pargi, Vikarabad, and Tandur.
Serilingampally constituency has the highest number of voters in the Chevella Lok Sabha segment, with 7,50,784 voters. Rajendra Nagar is the second largest constituency with 6,06,124 voters. Maheshwaram follows closely behind with 5,54,400 voters.
Tandur and Vikarabad are the two constituencies where female voters outnumber male voters. In Tandur, out of 2,42,397 voters, there are more female voters than male voters. Similarly, Vikarabad has 1,16,336 female voters out of a total of 2,30,961 electors.
Chevella has a total of 2,68,814 voters, while Pargi has 2,65,985 enrolled voters. Rajendra Nagar has 535 polling stations, Maheshwaram has 511 polling stations, and Serilingampally has 622 polling stations. Chevella has 298 polling stations, Vikarabad has 284 polling stations, and Tandur has 269 polling stations.