Chengicherla, also known as Chintalkunta Cheruvu in Boduppal, Hyderabad, is once again in the news. The lake is facing a problem as fish are dying and certain parts of the lake have turned black. This is due to the lack of outlets and sewage entering the lake. Local residents are concerned that if stormwater drains are not installed, the entire lake will become polluted. They have requested the State government to test the water quality.
Previously, the 58-acre Chengicherla lake was a lifeline for the residents and fishermen in the area. However, now the lake is completely polluted and the fish are dying. The main reason for this is the sewage water clogging up the lake. The poor water quality may be causing a lack of dissolved oxygen for the fish to survive. It is important to conduct water quality tests and address the issue immediately.
The pollution in the lake is not only affecting the fish but also causing hardships for the 200 families living nearby. Despite efforts to bring officials from Boduppal Municipality to clean up the lake and test the water quality, nothing has been done. The sewage has choked the entire lake, leading to many lifeless fish floating in the water.
The Boduppal municipality had planned to improve the bund and carry out additional development works for this lake, including installing a stormwater drain. Although the foundation stone was laid, the drain was never completed. Lack of funding has been cited as the reason for not starting the work. It is high time that the State government takes action to develop and maintain the lake, according to Narsimha Reddy, another resident of Boduppal.