A chemical factory located in the Mallapur industrial area on the outskirts of Hyderabad was engulfed in flames on Wednesday, resulting in a massive fire. The sight of huge flames leaping out of the factory caused panic among the residents of the nearby residential area. However, officials have reported that there were no casualties.
It has been confirmed that no employees were present in the factory when the fire broke out. The cause of the blaze is suspected to be a short-circuit. The fire started at around 3 pm and it took seven fire tenders over three hours to douse the flames.
Fire-fighting personnel worked tirelessly to prevent the fire from spreading to three adjoining factories. Rachakonda Police Commissioner DS Chauhan personally rushed to the scene and supervised relief and rescue operations.
The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of safety measures in such hazardous workplaces. It is crucial for factories to have proper fire safety equipment and protocols in place to prevent such catastrophic incidents.