During an IPL 2023 match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Lucknow Super Giants, there was a fight that involved Virat Kohli, Gautam Gambhir, and Naveen-ul-Haq. Naveen was at the center of it as Kohli gave him a mouthful while he was batting. Things did not end during the match and spilled over. Kohli wanted to have a chat with the young Afghani, but Naveen snubbed him. Now, we discover that Naveen has unfollowed Kohli from his Instagram handle.
Kohli and Gambhir were seen having a heated argument after the match. Both were fined 100% of their match fees for breaching Article 2.21 of IPL code of conduct, which relates to public acts of misconduct, unruly public behavior, and inappropriate comments detrimental to the interest of the game. RCB won the game by 18 runs to pick up two key points and keep their hopes of making the playoffs alive.