Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan criticized Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for talking about corruption in Madhya Pradesh while ignoring the corruption in Telangana. Chouhan made these comments during a press conference at his official residence in Bhopal. He also alleged that KCR is involved in extreme corruption, making Telangana a hub of corruption in the country.
Chouhan also discussed the village volunteer system in Andhra Pradesh, expressing concerns about potential manipulation if party workers are given volunteer posts. He suggested that it would be better to provide pensions in a transparent manner instead.
He mentioned the positive response to the ‘Mukhyamantri Ladli Lakshmi’ scheme implemented by his government, which provides Rs. 1000 to women. The scheme aims to empower women by allowing them to start small businesses with the money provided by the government. Chouhan stated that the amount given under this scheme will be gradually increased to Rs. 3000.