Hyderabad: The Insurance Medical Services (IMS) scam in Telangana has seen another significant development. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) recently filed a charge sheet in this case. A total of 15 people, including former IMS director Devika Rani, who is believed to be the mastermind behind the scam, have been charged. The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has intensified its investigation based on allegations. The ED has already attached assets worth Rs 144 crores in connection with this case.
Officials have determined that the funds were stolen under the pretense of medical camps. Devika Rani is accused of committing irregularities in the distribution of surgical kits and medicines. Fake invoices were prepared, and government money was diverted. The ACB has concluded that a scam worth around Rs 211 crores occurred in the ESI. Many individuals, including IMS director Devika Rani, have been arrested on charges of money laundering. Officials stated that illegal earnings led to the theft of gold jewelry worth more than Rs 6 crore.
It has been discovered that pharmacist Nagalakshmi, along with Devika Rani, also acquired substantial assets and invested in real estate.