Kanukuntla Subhash Chandrabose, a renowned film lyricist, also known as Chandrabose, was recently awarded the Oscar for Best Original Song for his work on ‘NaatuNaatu’ from the film ‘RRR’. On Sunday, he was taken on a procession along with his wife Suchitra at Challagariga under Chityal mandal in JayashankarBhupalpally district to celebrate his achievement. Speaking at a civic felicitation organised by his friends and villagers, Chandrabose attributed his success to his native village, stating that every word he used in the ‘NaatuNaatu’ lyric belonged to Challagariga. He added that he learned everything from the ambience of his village.
Chandrabose has penned nearly 3,600 songs for 860 films in his career spanning 28 years. He expressed his joy at finally being rewarded with an Oscar award and called ‘NaatuNaatu’ a magnum opus in his career. Chandrabose held aloft the Oscar statuette and dedicated the award to his wife Suchitra. He thanked his parents and friends for their encouragement, without which he wouldn’t have achieved such success.
Chandrabose has been providing scholarships to the SSC students of his village for the last 15 years and contributing financially to several developmental works in Challagariga. He also promised to reconstruct the library where he read many books and learned nuances of literature. The library will be christened as Oscar Library, and its construction will start soon. Chandrabose entrusted its responsibility to his friends M Sammaiah, Venkatramana, Vijay, Amaranth, and sarpanch Ashok Reddy.