The ACB special court in Vijayawada rejected the petitions by AP-CID to arrest former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu in the Inner Ring Road (IRR) and Fibernet (APSFL) scam cases. The court stated that PT warrants were unnecessary because Naidu was already out on bail. The CID had requested Naidu’s arrest in the IRR case when he was previously jailed for the skill development scam case.
On October 12, 2023, the ACB special court allowed the Andhra Pradesh CID to issue a PT warrant for Naidu in the APSFL scam case, also known as the Fibernet case. The CID was instructed to present Naidu through a video conference. The CID argued that the issuance of a PT warrant supported their case, while Naidu’s counsel claimed that the government was seeking revenge and trying to prolong his time in jail.
Naidu’s lawyers in the Supreme Court also mentioned the PT warrants issued by the ACB court in Vijayawada as evidence of the government’s vendetta against Naidu by the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy Government.