Former Chief Minister and Telugu Desam Party president Nara Chandrababu Naidu visited the Anganwadi workers in Kuppam town who were protesting for better pay, pension, and retirement benefits. Chandrababu Naidu expressed his support for the workers and stated that their demands were valid. He criticized the current government for not accepting their demands despite their 20-day-long protest.
Chandrababu Naidu reminded the workers that the previous TDP government had increased their pay twice. He assured them that if the TDP comes to power again, they would include their demands in the party manifesto and implement them. He also promised to protect their jobs if the current government terminates them.
Chandrababu Naidu emphasized that unity among the workers is crucial in their fight for justice. He reassured them that the show-cause notices they received were temporary and that he would support them in his constituency. He mentioned that during his 14-year tenure as Chief Minister, he never threatened any striking workers.
Lastly, Chandrababu Naidu urged the state government to listen to the demands of the Anganwadi workers and fulfill them.