The a cappella group Penn Masala, made up of University of Pennsylvania students, performed two popular Bollywood songs at the White House before Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived. They performed for around 2,000 to 3,000 people who were there to see Modi’s ceremonial welcome. The first song they performed was “Chaiyya Chaiyya” from the 1998 movie “Dil Se..” and the second song was “Jashn e Bahaaraa” from the 2008 movie “Jodha Akbar”. They also performed a version of Coldplay’s song “Viva La Vida”. Penn Masala has performed at the White House before and was formed in the 90s by University of Pennsylvania students who grew up listening to Bollywood classics.
Chaiya Chaiya from Bollywood played on the White House Lawns
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