May 31 is World No-Tobacco Day, and it’s important to raise awareness of the harmful effects of smoking, chewing tobacco, and drinking alcohol, especially among young people and women. Doctors are concerned that celebrities who endorse these products, such as movie stars and cricket players, are having a negative impact on their fans, particularly adolescents and youth. They are urging celebrities not to promote tobacco or alcohol products, and to take responsibility for their influence on society.
Smoking and tobacco use are a major problem in India, and it’s important to discourage young people from taking up these habits. Doctors say that parents and society as a whole have a duty to ensure that teenagers don’t see smoking as a glamorous or acceptable activity. If parents or other family members smoke, there is a high risk that young people will follow their example. It’s essential to educate young people about the dangers of smoking and to deglamourise tobacco use as much as possible.
Despite a ban on gutka and other smokeless or chewable tobacco products in 2012, these harmful products are still being marketed and consumed illegally in many states in India. Doctors are concerned that celebrities who endorse brands associated with tobacco products are contributing to this problem. They are urging celebrities to limit themselves from promoting such products, even if they are promoted as generic brand names.
Finally, doctors warn that tobacco use among young girls could have a particularly adverse impact on the future generations of India due to bad pregnancies. It’s essential to protect the health of young people and discourage them from taking up harmful habits like smoking or using tobacco or alcohol.