The Railway Protection Force (RPF) celebrated its 39th Raising Day in Hyderabad. The parade took place at the RPF Training Centre in Moula-Ali. This was the first time a national level parade of RPF was organized outside of New Delhi. Retired RPF personnel also joined the parade.
The Minister of State for Railways, Coal & Mines, Raosaheb Patil Danve, attended the event as the Chief Guest and took the salute of the parade. During the ceremony, the minister presented various awards to 42 RPF personnel.
In his address, the Minister of State emphasized the important role played by RPF in ensuring safe travel for passengers. He also highlighted the significance of training and skill development in improving the performance of any organization.
The Railway Protection Force was established in 1957 to provide security to railway property. In 1966, the force was given the authority to investigate, arrest, and prosecute offenders involved in unlawful possession of railway property. In 1985, the force was granted the status of an Armed Force of the Union by amending the RPF Act. Consequently, every year on September 20th, members of the force and their families celebrate the Raising Day of RPF.