The 1 Telangana Girls Battalion NCC in Secunderabad celebrated National Women’s Day with a series of events. The celebrations were led by commanding officer Lt-Col Pradeep Kumar and Adam officer Major Chamundi M. The day started with a rally that covered a distance of 5.5 kilometers through the streets of Secunderabad, ending at Rashtrapati Nilayam. The rally was joined by 215 cadets, two officers, five ANOs, three GCIs, and 11 PI staff. Banners and posters highlighting women’s empowerment were carried during the rally. The event received support from the Rashtrapati Nilayam authorities, with the manager Dr Rajani Priya expressing her support. The day also included various activities and sessions focused on gender equality and empowerment. The celebrations emphasized the commitment to promoting gender equality and inclusivity and served as an inspiration for change and transformation.
Celebration of National Women’s Day by Telangana Girls BN NCC in Secunderabad
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