In Nagarkurnool, the District Chairman and District Medical and Health Officer, Dr. K. Sudhakar Lal, inaugurated the Red Cross Day celebrations at the Red Cross Building Complex. The event started with placing floral wreaths on the portrait of Red Cross Founder Henry Dunant.
During the celebration, Dr. K. Sudhakar Lal mentioned that fruits were distributed to construction workers as part of the World Red Cross Day activities. He emphasized the importance of everyone having a sense of service, especially during the summer when there is a shortage of blood. Dr. Sudhakar Lal encouraged the youth to donate blood to ensure there is no scarcity in the district.
The program was attended by District Red Cross Society Secretary Ramesh Reddy, Treasurer Radhakrishna, Vice Chairman Sridhar, Youth Red Cross District Convener Kumar, Blood Donation Convener Raj Kumar, as well as Red Cross members Krishna Rao and Dinkar.