The Vijayawada region of CBSE, which includes Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, placed second in overall pass percentage for classes 10 and 12, right after Trivandrum. In class 12, Trivandrum had a pass percentage of 99.91%, while the Vijayawada region had 99.04%. Girls scored 91.25% and boys scored 85.21%. For class 10, Trivandrum had a pass percentage of 99.75% and the Vijayawada region had 99.60%. There were a total of 45,669 students who appeared for the CBSE class X exam, with 25,010 boys and 20,659 girls. Boys had a pass percentage of 99.48% and girls had 99.64%. The pass percentages improved from last year by 0.65% for class 12 and by 0.48% for class 10.
In Telangana, most CBSE-affiliated schools reportedly achieved a 100% pass rate. At Kendriya Vidyalaya, Picket, all 119 students who took the class 12 exam passed, as did all 241 students who took the class 10 exam. Riya Danish secured the first position in class 12 with a score of 96.8%. Girls outperformed boys in all streams including commerce, MPC, and humanities, as well as in class 10. Kendriya Vidyalaya Bollarum also achieved a perfect pass rate.