Monday, March 3, 2025



    IIT Hyderabad Cluster receives a prestigious Rs. 60 crore grant from DST

    Hyderabad, March 08, 2024: IIT Hyderabad Cluster has been awarded a Rs. 60 crores grant by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) under the Sophisticated Analytical & Technical...

    MANUU to organize International Urdu Social Science Congress

    Hyderabad: Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) is organizing a two-day VI International Urdu Social Science Congress on 07-08 March 2024. Themed on ‘Technology, Society and...

    MANUU conducts national orientation-cum-workshop for LSC coordinators

    Hyderabad: Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad conducted a two-day National Orientation-cum-Workshop for the coordinators of Learner Support Centers. Coordinators from more than 100 learner support centers from across the country...

    Telangana Schools Shift to Half-Day Schedule Starting March 15 to Beat the Heat

    Hyderabad: In response to the soaring temperatures and discomfort brought on by the scorching summer sun, the Telangana State Education Department has decided to implement half-day schooling from March...

    Senior leaders from 15 US universities and IIE members visited IIT Hyderabad

    Hyderabad, March 02, 2024: In order to investigate and develop bilateral partnerships with Indian higher education institutions, seventeen US universities visited India for seven days, stopping in three different...

    Studying women’s exclusion and discrimination is need of the hour – Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed

    Hyderabad: "Studying women’s exclusion and discrimination is the need of the hour. Women need support for their inclusion into mainstream development for any society’s growth" said Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed,...

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