Hyderabad witnessed two more incidents of reckless driving resulting in fatalities. The first incident occurred near Aramghar crossroads in Rajendranagar, where a car collided with a motorbike and an electricity pole, causing the death of one person. The driver of the car managed to escape from the scene, seemingly unharmed. Upon inspection, the police found liquor bottles in the car, suggesting that the driver may have been under the influence of alcohol.
The police have filed a case and initiated a search for the driver who fled the scene. In another incident, a car veered out of control and crashed into the railing of Hussain Sagar lake, narrowly avoiding a tragedy. The vehicle was left hanging dangerously on the edge, with its front wheels suspended in the air. Prompt action from the police prevented it from falling into the lake.
The accident occurred in the early hours of Sunday on NTR Marg. It appears that the car was speeding, as it mounted the pavement, collided with a tree, and crashed into an iron railing. Fortunately, both the driver and the passenger managed to escape after the accident, thanks to the deployment of airbags.
With the assistance of a crane, the police removed the car and began their search for the driver. These incidents add to a series of unfortunate events that have occurred in Hyderabad this month. On July 4, two pedestrians were killed and two others injured when a speeding car struck them in Sun City. Additionally, on July 7, a municipal employee sustained critical injuries after being hit by a speeding BMW in upscale Banjara Hills.