A man died early on Sunday morning in Moti Nagar, west Delhi after a car hit his scooter. The driver of the BMW, a woman, has been detained by police and the car has been seized. The incident took place at 4 a.m.
The man who died was Ajay Gupta, a 36-year-old grocery store owner who lived in Basai Darapur. He was returning home after purchasing medication from a hospital. The accused, a 28-year-old architect, was driving back from a party in Greater Kailash to her home in Ashok Vihar.
The police received a report about the accident at 4:08 a.m. and found the damaged vehicle, but the occupants had left. The woman had taken Gupta to EBG hospital, and his family transferred him to ESI hospital where he died while receiving treatment for his injuries.
The police have taken samples from the woman for an alcohol test and are waiting for the results. They stated that more action would be taken accordingly. The police are reviewing CCTV footage from nearby cameras to learn more about the collision.
The victim’s family and locals protested the occurrence by briefly blocking the road and yelling anti-police and anti-authoritarian chants. The accused was arrested but released on bail after the police filed a FIR under IPC Sections 304 A and 279. Autopsy results are pending.