Former minister Captain V Lakshmi Kantha Rao spoke at an election meeting in Karimnagar, Telangana. He emphasized the need for the ruling party, BRS, to win the upcoming elections in order to continue the progress made under Chief Minister KCR’s leadership.
Rao specifically mentioned the BRS Husnabad Assembly candidate, Vothithala Sathish Kumar, who has been instrumental in developing the constituency. He urged the people to elect Kumar for the third time with a significant majority.
Rao also highlighted the various schemes introduced by the Telangana government for the welfare of BC, SC, and ST communities. These schemes aim to improve the per capita income of the people and promote caste professions. He reminded the audience that other parties, such as Congress and BJP, promise similar schemes but have failed to implement them in their own states.
Rao expressed confidence in the people of Telangana, stating that they are well-informed and discerning. He believed that they would teach a lesson to leaders of opposition parties who make empty promises.