Armur BJP MLA candidate recently campaigned in the villages of Adjui Mamidi Palli and Chinnapur in Maklur mandal. During his visit, he was warmly welcomed by hundreds of women who greeted him with Mangala Haartulas and chanted slogans in support of BJP and Rakesh Reddy. The MLA candidate then proceeded to Godu along with Rakesh Reddy. On this occasion, Rakesh Reddy praised the forest Mamidipalli, considering it an ideal location.
Rakesh Reddy also addressed the gathering, urging the people to give a chance to the MLAs who represent such villages. He mentioned that many individuals from this village serve in the Army and emphasized the importance of supporting candidates who can bring positive change. Additionally, Jeevan Reddy, an MLA from Chinnapur, accused Rakesh Reddy of illegally acquiring assets worth crores. Jeevan Reddy urged the attendees to support the MLA candidate and promised to build houses in every village if he wins. He also assured them that efforts will be made to ensure everyone receives a pension.
The campaign event was attended by Mandal BJP president Suresh Naik, Gangoni Santhosh, Vinod, Palep Raju, and other party members.