The Telangana Congress government has introduced a free bus travel program called the Mahalakshmi scheme. However, this initiative has caused some problems as the TSRTC (Telangana State Road Transport Corporation) has been accused of reducing the number of buses. The TSRTC, on the other hand, claims that they are actually increasing the number of buses. In response to the situation, TSRTC MD Sajjanar has made an announcement.
Sajjanar has stated that there has been an increase in the number of women passengers on express buses. The TSRTC management has noticed that women who are traveling short distances are mostly using express buses, which is causing inconvenience to those traveling long distances. Sajjanar suggests that those who are traveling short distances should use the Palle Velugu ordinary buses instead. In a video message, he requests cooperation from women passengers.
Sajjanar also mentions that some women are pressuring RTC staff to stop the buses in unauthorized locations, which is causing delays in travel time. The TSRTC management urges women passengers to prioritize those traveling long distances and cooperate with the staff. As a result, express buses will now only stop at permitted stages.