As the Dussehra festival approaches, with Vijayadashami set for Saturday, Hyderabad is seeing a big increase in passenger traffic. Many people from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka are traveling home to celebrate the festival with their families. This has led to crowded bus and railway stations across the city.
The Mahatma Gandhi Bus Station (MGBS) and Jubilee Bus Station (JBS) in Secunderabad have reported a significant rise in the number of passengers, especially those with reserved tickets. Additionally, railway stations like Secunderabad, Nampally, Kachiguda, and Lingampally are also packed with travelers, creating a busy and lively atmosphere.
Due to the large number of passengers, many stations are extremely crowded, leaving little space for people to move around comfortably. Platforms are filled with travelers carrying items like clothes and large bags of gifts for their loved ones, adding to the festive excitement.
To help manage the increased demand, the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) has introduced special bus services during the festive season. These buses will run from October 1 to 15, with pick-up points at key locations such as MGBS, JBS, LB Nagar, Uppal, Aramghar, Santosh Nagar, and KPHB. These buses are meant to make travel easier for people going to different states, including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.
At the same time, the South Central Railway (SCR) is also running special trains to help reduce the pressure on regular trains during the Dussehra holidays. Given the large crowds, security personnel are actively conducting checks to ensure the safety of passengers and their belongings.