Hyderabad: The Karkhana police arrested a burglar named Mohammed Avez Ahmed, also known as Ahmed, on Friday. Ahmed, 42, was involved in 107 burglary cases across Hyderabad, Cyberabad, and Rachakonda police areas. The police recovered 23 grams of gold, 202 grams of silver ornaments, and Rs 5,000 cash from him. The total value of the seized items is around Rs 10 lakh.
Ahmed, who lives in Chandrayangutta, had been detained twice before. He was held under the Preventive Detention (PD) Act in 2016 by the Medipally police and again in 2021 by the Kukatpally police.
On October 7, Ahmed targeted a locked house in the Karkhana police area. He broke into the house and stole gold and silver items, Rs 4,000 in cash, and a mobile phone. Using CCTV footage, technical evidence, and human intelligence, the police, led by Sub-Inspector C B Ravi Kumar and the Karkhana police crime team, managed to catch him. Ahmed admitted to scouting for locked houses during the day. He would break the locks using an iron rod and commit theft.
Further investigation showed that Ahmed, along with his friend Salam Bin Ali Timimi, who is also a habitual thief, committed another burglary on September 26. They broke into a house in MSAT Residency, Kondapur, and stole more valuables.
On October 3, they burgled a house in Salarjung Colony, Tolichowki. Then, on October 7, they committed theft in Priya Colony and Jawahar Railway Colony, both located in the Karkhana area.
The police advised citizens to take precautions to prevent burglaries. They suggested avoiding visible locking of main gates from the outside, as this could signal that no one is home. They also encouraged the use of timers for lights to make it seem like someone is inside, getting to know neighbors, and watching out for each other’s homes.
The police emphasized the importance of reporting any suspicious activities immediately. Installing surveillance cameras and alarm systems can also help deter burglars. If anyone notices suspicious individuals loitering around the neighborhood, they should contact the police right away.
The police stressed that cooperation from citizens is essential to keep the community safe. They said, “Together, we can reduce the risk of burglaries and ensure a secure environment for residents.”