K.T. Ramanna, the Working President of the BRS (Bharat Rashtra Samithi) party, recently held a meeting with Kurava Pallayya, the BRSV (Bharat Rashtra Samithi Vidyarthi) Jogulamba Gadwal District Coordinator. The meeting took place at Telangana Bhavan.
During the meeting, Ramanna gave important instructions to Pallayya. He asked him to set up BRSV committees in every college in the Jogulamba Gadwal district. He also spoke about the Congress government’s failure in handling the education system. Ramanna stressed the need to fight for scholarships and fee reimbursements that the Congress government had promised to students.
In addition, Ramanna pointed out issues with the infrastructure in Gurukul schools. He urged Pallayya to push the government to fix these problems and ensure rent payments for rented school buildings are made on time.
Ramanna also highlighted the importance of empowering students in the district. He promised that students who actively work for the party will be recognized in the future.
At the same event, Kurava Pallayya introduced several district BRSV student leaders, including Bharat, Maj, Chinna, Rehman, Raju, and Ashok, to State President Gellu Srinivas Yadav at Telangana Bhavan.