The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) in Hyderabad has asked the Telangana BJP MPs to explain what they have done to help the state. Two government whips, Gongidi Sunitha and Guvvala Balaraju, spoke at a press conference and said that despite the BJP government being in power for nine years, the Telangana BJP leaders have not brought any funds to the state. They also criticised the BJP for criticising the BRS government without having a valid point.
The BRS MLAs also condemned Union Minister G Kishan Reddy’s comments that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s absence from NITI Aayog meeting is a big loss for Telangana. Gongidi Sunitha reminded everyone that the Chief Ministers of 10 states did not attend the NITI Aayog meeting, and many felt that there was no point in going when the Centre was openly making fun of cooperative federalism.
Guvvala Balaraju also criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for not naming the new Parliament building after Dr BR Ambedkar, who is considered the architect of Indian Constitution. He alleged that the Prime Minister was using the inauguration of the new Parliament building for his own self-glorification.