BRS (Bharat Rashtra Samithi) has always worked for the welfare of the people, said former chief D Vinay Bhaskar. He made this statement while celebrating the rejection of the power tariff hike proposed by the State Government. The Electricity Regulatory Commission (ERC) turned down the proposal, and Vinay Bhaskar emphasized that BRS played a key role in preventing this additional burden on poor and middle-class families. The Congress Government had earlier proposed a power tariff hike that amounted to Rs 18,500 crore, he added.
Vinay Bhaskar credited BRS working president K T Rama Rao and former Speaker S Madhusudana Chary for strongly opposing the power tariff hike at the ERC public hearing. He pointed out that BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao, during his 10 years as Chief Minister, never increased power tariffs. He also accused the Congress Government of using diversion tactics to hide its failure to fulfill election promises. Despite these obstacles, BRS will continue to fight for the welfare of the people, he promised.
Vinay Bhaskar criticized the Warangal Police for interfering with their celebrations at the NPDCL Office, where BRS members were distributing sweets. He said the police did not allow them to burn firecrackers as part of their celebration.
He further added that the Congress Government is undermining democracy by limiting the rights of the Opposition. “Congress will face the anger of the people,” Vinay Bhaskar warned.