Telangana Minister and BRS key leader, Koppula Eshwar, has been sued in the Telangana High Court. The minister filed a petition in the High Court to reject the challenge to his 2018 election. However, the High Court dismissed the petition and adjourned the case to Wednesday.
In the 2018 election, Koppula Eshwar won with a narrow majority as a candidate for BRS (TRS) from Dharmapuri constituency. Adluri Laxman Kumar, who ran on a Congress ticket, requested a recount of the election results. After the recount, it was announced that Koppula had won. However, Adluri Laxman alleged that there were irregularities in the recounting process and that Koppula won through illegal methods.
As a result, Adluri Laxman took the matter to court. He filed a petition in the High Court to invalidate Koppula’s election and declare himself as MLA. In response, Minister Koppula filed an interim petition to reject Adluri Laxman’s petition. Recently, the High Court rejected the minister’s petition.