Several BRS leaders in Hyderabad have urged Chief Minister Revanth Reddy not to touch the Telangana emblem. They claim that there is some influence from Andhra intellectuals on the Chief Minister and have threatened to take up a movement against it. The leaders addressed a press conference at the Telangana Bhavan party office, where they accused Reddy of trying to hide the history of Telangana by proposing to change the state symbols. They emphasized that the Kakatiyas, who ruled south India in the 11th and 12th centuries, were not from royal families but worked for the poor.
The leaders also criticized Reddy’s statement about removing the Kakatiya Kala Thoranam and Charminar as state symbols. They questioned whether the three lions on the Sarnath Stupa and the Ashoka Chakra symbols of India were not symbols of monarchy. They vowed to take action against the government’s move and stated that they will not remain silent. They accused Reddy of attempting to erase Telangana’s language, slang, agriculture, and history, and questioned his motives for wanting to change the name TG.
In conclusion, the leaders called on ministers to oppose the Chief Minister’s actions.