The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) is gearing up for the upcoming Assembly elections in Telangana. To celebrate its formation day, the party will be organizing events across the state. BRS Working President K. T. Rama Rao has urged party cadres to conduct these programmes on a grand scale. The celebrations will take place at the party headquarters Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad on April 27, with BRS President and Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao hoisting the party flag to launch the festivities.
On the same day, the BRS general body meeting will be held, which will be presided over by Chandrasekhar Rao. The meeting will involve 300 BRS representatives who will discuss some political resolutions and pass them. In preparation for the formation day celebrations, meetings of party delegates will be held at constituency level on April 25. These meetings will be presided over by Assembly incharges and local MLAs, with party district unit presidents coordinating the programmes.
KTR has asked party cadres to hoist the party flag in all villages and wards in the morning before attending the delegates’ meetings. The meetings will continue throughout the day and will discuss the development achieved by the state under BRS rule, welfare schemes being implemented by the state government, and the programmes undertaken by the party. All members of the party, from field level workers to former MLAs, sitting MLAs, MPs, and leaders in different designations, are expected to attend. Each meeting would witness participation of about 2,500 to 3,000 party members.
In light of the summer season, the BRS Working President has directed party MLAs and incharge leaders to make elaborate arrangements, including food, accommodation, and provision of butter milk. KTR has said that the party’s Athmeeya Sammelans being held across the state have evoked a good response from BRS cadres. He announced that these meetings will continue until the end of May. He also said a massive public meeting, BRS Maha Sabha, will be held at Warangal on October 10.
The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), which became BRS late last year, was floated by KCR on April 27, 2001, after resigning from the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) to revive the movement for statehood to Telangana. Stay updated on Hyderabad City News, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, and Top Stories by subscribing to our channels on WhatsApp and Telegram. You can also download our app for Android and iOS.