Telangana Chief Minister KCR has stated that the BRS party is dedicated to serving the people of Telangana and fighting for their rights. He emphasized that the party does not have any bosses in Delhi and their loyalty lies with the people. KCR made these remarks at a Praja Ashirwad meeting in Illandu.
During his speech, the Chief Minister criticized the previous Congress government for neglecting the poor and farmers. He highlighted the improvements in healthcare and education systems in Telangana, including the success of the KCR kit in increasing deliveries in government hospitals. KCR also mentioned the establishment of residential schools for all classes, which have produced high-ranking students in the All India Level NEET exam.
Addressing the issues faced by tribal communities, KCR expressed his commitment to their development. He mentioned the transformation of tribal Tandas into Gram Panchayats and the establishment of Vaikunthadhamas for proper cremations. The Chief Minister urged voters to identify parties that truly understand the minimum needs of the people and vote accordingly. He specifically urged people to vote for Hari Priya Nayak, who is educated.